Sunday, November 19, 2017

my experience of labour at DEMC Shah Alam

Are you looking for a hospital to give birth?
You can actually consider DEMC Shah Alam.
I had my son there in 28 March 2015.
It was 2 years ago and my total bill was RM5300.The package starts at RM4500.
DEMC only have single rooms.
For a specialists hospital,that rate was quite ok.
My gynae was Dr Jumeah.
I was having contractions for a few days.
On my 37th week checks ups, i was dilated at 2cm.
She helped to open up my uterus and my water broke on the next morning.
I was so happy because i didnt really like being

i didnt take epidural (i heard it costs around 1300-1500) but i had my pain killer shot.I tried to avoid epidurals on many reasons.And for me contractions was not that dramatic painful except for the last 2 hours as i had always had my major period cramps every time i had my period.
The next day i went home with my baby boy,Riyadh Hayyan.
i had nothing to complaint on the service as it was a good hospital after all and the staff was helpful as well.

But the downside was and still is,the monthly check ups is a bit expensive now.
Per check might be over 200.
You need to book the gynae at least at 34 weeks.
So you need to spend some money for the check ups as well.
This is more expensive than my previous check ups at Gleneagles Ampang.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

The criteria in men that is husband material!

Lets not make the list too long ladies as if I do so then they will be no men worth to get married or even worth your time.
1.He treats his mom and family nice enough.
This is important as if he is not nice to his mom,he will not be that nice to you either. Yes,mummy’s boy is not really a favourable trait as we want to be his queen like forever but girls,there is no prince charming that grow up on his own.If he is nice to his mum,he will be to you too even when your skin is run out of collagen later.

2. He is hygienic enough.
I hate a smelly men who didn’t take care of his hair,his clothes and didn’t wash his jeans for a month. This is eww.To add it up, he didn’t even throw out his garbage and his room looks like there is some piles of clothes everywhere.Dirty clothes and clean clothes mix up together.Ok enough said,just get someone that has a sense of logic about hygiene.
3. He is hardworking and able to get his own money.
I like guys who take his job seriously.Why?because I am a workaholic b****.I believe a guy is good enough if he has a passion with his career.He knows want he wants in life and willing to work hard on it.And maybe he will work hard to buy that diamond ring that you wanted as well.

Thus is a nut shell a kind hearted guy+good hygiene+able to support himself and also you as his other half is more than good enough/